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- [Registrant]石垣市
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]沖縄県 石垣市
- Posted : 2024/02/09
- Published : 2024/02/09
- Changed : 2024/02/09
- Total View : 405 persons
Web Access No.1643543
- Find local business with Town Guide
- In May 2017, the Okinawa History and Fol...
The exhibition features ceramics, lacquerware, old folk artifacts ・ and dolls collected by our advisor Yasunobu Ushukushi over the past 40 years, which provide valuable insight into Okinawan history a...
(0980) 54-8515沖縄歴史民俗資料館
- The history of postal services and commu...
The Okinawa Postal Museum opened in 1994 ( to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the Okinawa Postal Service in 1994 ) and was renamed the Okinawa Postal Museum on October 1, 2007 ( 2007 ). The museu...
(098) 854-0255沖縄郵政資料センター
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